Are You A Blessing to All Generations?
A few weeks ago in our Disciple 1 — Fast Track class, our theme verses were Genesis 12:2-3 “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”These verses come from the period of time when God is calling out to a people who would be solely his people. God was calling a people to be in covenant with Him and to be in that very unique relationship that would exist between God and humanity throughout all time beginning in this finite time on earth and lasting throughout eternity. Abraham would be the father of all those who would believe and he was to live in covenant with the Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Abraham was the person who got the call and understood God’s vision. God was going to make him into a great nation, so that – listen carefully — Abraham would be a blessing to all the families on the earth who had faith as Abraham had faith.But I believe Abraham’s place of honor and the vision of him being a blessing to all, was not intended for only Abraham. I believe that place of honor and the role and responsibility of being a blessing to all is extended to all who carry the Father God’s name — that is us!Whether at work, in our homes behind closed doors, or in a park with our children — we are to be a blessing to those around us. When we are in the bowling alley, at dinner with friends, on a trip or even where no one will see us again, we are to be a blessing to those around us. When we are in a Church worship service we are to be a blessing to those around us. Why? Why is God so adamant that we are to be mindful of our responsibility or privilege of being a blessing to others? Because we carry His name and what we do reflects on Him. If our actions or reactions are harsh, nasty or mean-spirited we are telling people that our God is harsh, nasty and mean spirited! If we are unforgiving, vengeful or spiteful we are telling people that our God is unforgiving, vengeful. I know that none of you reading this would ever try to paint God in those negative lights. But when children of God act out in those ugly ways, we paint God in that negative light.We, as his chosen children today, bear that same responsibility — to be a blessing to all the world. Let us be who our Father God needs us to be, not what the world expects us to be. Let us be a blessing and, in doing so, bring blessings upon blessings to our Father in Heaven.