M&Ms Prayer for Back to School

Growing up I loved the first day of school.  The new school supplies, the new clothes, everything.  As a classroom teacher I loved the start of a new school year even more.  As much as I enjoyed time off during the summer (though don’t be fooled—teachers work during the summer too!), there was something about getting back into a rhythm and routine that energized me. 

The start of the new school year is a great time to get your prayer routine back in gear (or to begin)!  Here is a fun way to pray for the school year using M&Ms.

Blue: Pray for the school closest to your home.  Pray for the safety and health of all students at school.  Pray for those who may struggle to find friends or have moved to a new school.  Pray for Christian students to share the love of Jesus with students who do not yet know Jesus.

Brown: Pray for all of the teachers preparing to teach these students.  Pray for no disruptions in their classrooms.  Pray for parents who are homeschooling their children.  Pray for Christian teachers to share the love of Jesus with their students and fellow teachers.

Green: Pray for the parents who are sending their children to school this year.  Pray that they would take time each day to talk to their kids about what went on in school.  Pray for Christian parents to model Christ at home to their kids.

Yellow: Pray for the safe travels to and from school for all bus drivers, parents, and students.  Pray for the safety and protection of all schools for the entire school year.

Orange: Pray for all of our Sunday school teachers.  Pray that they would share God’s love effectively.

Red: Pray for all of the staff and volunteers that work at school—coaches, custodians, cafeteria workers, counselors, principals, and administrators.

**The above activity is from Children’s Ministry Deals.**


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