Rooted in Jesus

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6,7

The month of March brought around great change for our country.  March was when Covid-19 began to hit the United States. Overnight, for so many, including mine, the normal routine was altered. As days dragged into months I began to realize what was once normal might not ever be again.  During the month of May, I succumbed to the fact that my summer plans would now also be altered.  It was then that I decided that I would plant a vegetable garden.  It is now July and I have begun to harvest some of the vegetables that I have planted a few months ago.  I should stop and explain that I’m not much of a gardener. In theory I want to be a gardener, in practice I’m less than stellar. I have a few houseplants, a few flowers growing in the landscape and a few vegetables growing in the garden.  I like low maintenance. I like to water and walk away, sometimes for weeks.  I know the basics of caring for plants, one is that if the roots grow deep and strong the plants will have a better chance of survival.During this pandemic I have had more time to think and listen to God.  I have had more time to watch my girls and realize that my time with them is growing shorter as they are growing older.  I have realized that with them I am leaving a legacy.  So much of society expects others to bear the burden of educating the world's children.  Many parents expect the educational system to educate children, while never enforcing educational practices at home.  Many Christian parents expect the church to teach their child the Bible, how to pray, how to have Godly moral values, while never re-enforcing the practices at home.  When schools and churches shut down, many parents began to panic “Who was going to teach their child?” I realized quickly how dependent I had become on the school system and church.  Areas where I had dropped the ball such as practicing math factors with my girls or studying specific Bible stories I knew I could count on the school and church to help pick up my slack.  I knew that I still had support in the areas of their education both from the schools and church, but the bulk of the burden now lay with myself and Jason.Colossians 2:6-7 is a favorite verse of mine.  I like to pray this verse for my children, my family and my friends.  I long for their roots to grow deep and strong in the Lord.  Plants that have strong roots can weather the adverse conditions.  Individuals with strong roots in the Lord will be able to handle what life throws at them.  It is my deepest desire that my girls, my niece and nephews will have strong roots in church.  When they see my life they desire to know and follow God.  I realize for this to happen I cannot approach this with my lack luster gardening skills. In order for their roots to grow deep I must make the commitment to help them grow, I must make the time to nourish their growth with the Lord. I have a good start with praying with them nightly, asking them questions that make them reflect on the goodness of God (I need to be more faithful in asking them everyday. It’s a learning process and new habits take time to develop).  Right now the schools and many church buildings are closed, but it doesn’t mean that we stop learning or teaching.  Right now God is expecting me to step up and continue to invest in others.Right now it is the month of July, I’m curious how my garden will continue to grow. If you see me, feel free to ask me how it’s going.  In the future, let’s say ten years from now and you see my girls, feel free to ask them how their roots are growing in the Lord.  I hope and pray their answer will be their roots are running deep and firmly established in the Lord.Now I turn my question back to you. During this pandemic, how is God growing you? Has this become the time that your roots are growing deeper? Maybe you are realizing that your roots need more room to grow.  Maybe it is similar to a plant that can no longer grow in a pot that is too small. Have you begun to realize that you have weeds in your garden that are stealing your nutrients and stopping your growth? Let me know your thoughts and how we can help you to continue to grow deeper with God.


A Summer of Unrest 


Everyday Discipleship