Summer Bucket List Challenge

Ah, can you feel it?  Summer is near.  The warm sunshine.  The extended hours of daylight.  The smell of fresh cut grass.  All around us God’s creation is being rejuvenated and energized from its winter slumber.  For me, summer is a time to put aside the busy routine that comes with the school year and slow down to enjoy the magnificence of God’s creation without the pressure of a hectic schedule.  As I was preparing this post, I was reminded of this verse from Psalm 118—a verse I learned in kindergarten and still love to this day:

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

It is a reminder that God is the creator of each day, and each day is unique and full of opportunity.  It is a brand-new beginning — full of God’s love, grace, and faithfulness.  The day may bring struggle and temptation, sadness and pain, but if we keep our eyes open, we will also see the beauty and blessing around us, even in the midst of our challenge.  Every day is worth celebrating. 

As a church, I invite you to participate along with our children’s ministry in the Summer Bucket List Challenge.  Below you will find a list of 100 activities to do during the summer.  Copies of the list will be available in the children’s area and the welcome center at Hope Church.  Each time you complete an activity simply check it off.  Once you’ve completed 10 activities bring it to Ms. Sara at church to receive a prize.  Complete 10 more activities and bring it back for another prize, and so on. The purpose of the challenge is simple: to praise God every day. Each day is a gift from God, and He wants us to enjoy His creation.  Celebrate Him.  Thank Him.  Love Him.  Talk about Him.  Every day is a good day to share God with the world, and everyone, whether young or young-at-heart, can find something from God to celebrate.


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