The ABCs of Salvation

Phew!  We have just completed another great week of Vacation Bible School here at church.  It’s time to get reenergized and catch our breath as we enjoy the remaining days of summer before another school year kicks into gear.

As a follow-up to VBS, families might be wondering: well, now what?  How do I continue the conversation with my kids about what they learned during VBS week?  How do I begin following Jesus?  How do we incorporate Jesus into our daily lives?  Well, I’m glad you asked!  I’d like to take a minute to review and remind us of the ABCs of salvation—nothing complicated, just straight-up scripture truth.

A: Admit you have sinned.  “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).  It’s tough to admit when we are wrong.  We’d like to think we are basically “good” people, comparing ourselves to others as “well I’m not as bad as that guy.”  But the truth is we all fall short of God’s standard.  There is no heavenly ranking system for our sins: sin is sin.  We deserve punishment.  But luckily for us, God is merciful and gracious, and provides us with a rescue plan—His son, Jesus.

B: Believe that Jesus is God’s son.  “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).  God sent us Jesus, His son, to die for our sins and restore our relationship with God.  This is called salvation, and it is a gift from God.  We cannot earn it, we simply need to accept it by putting our faith in Jesus.

C: Confess to others that Jesus is Lord.  “Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved” (Romans 10:9-10).  The message of salvation is for everyone—share this good news with others.  Tell them about God’s love.  Tell them about how he has been working in your life.  Praise him each day.

What a beautiful plan God has for us!  Admit your sin. Believe Jesus is God’s son who died on the cross and rose from the dead to save us from our sins.  Confess that Jesus is Savior and Lord over your life.  Once you have accepted Jesus your life will be forever changed.  Begin spending time each day in prayer and reading God’s word, the Bible.  Find fellowship with other believers in a church that teaches God’s word (I know a great church that does that!).  Look for people in your life whom you can tell about Jesus.  This does not mean our lives will now be free of struggle, sadness, or pain, but we can have confidence that we are no longer walking alone, we are loved unconditionally, and our eternal inheritance is secure.  That, friends, is worthy of praise!    



Are You Listening To God? 


Think About What You Think About