The Names of God

Many, many years ago, when my husband was in the depth of his battle for cancer, we would listen to John Paul Jackson’s CD, “I AM, 365 Names of God”.  I don’t remember having any great insights about the names, but there was a rhythm to the music that was like breathing and made many difficult nights manageable.  Lately, I’ve been listening to that CD again.This time, without the difficulty of cancer, or anxieties of life, I’ve been able to pay attention to the names. I have completely enjoyed listening to the names being spoken and allowing myself to think about a name here or there that grabs my interest while the CD continues.  I say all of that to explain a little bit of why I am going to share just four of the names, characteristics, or attributes with you in this month’s blog.It is important to hear and know the names of God.  Why? Because it’s one way of getting to know Him better. The CD is divided into 12 sections. The God of Wonders, The God of Symbols, The God of Mercy, The God of Sacrifice, and Justice and Promise, the God who is the Shepherd, the Ancient One, the Reward, the Warrior, the God of Eternity and the God of Every Creature.  As we consider just four of the names, think about how you have seen Jesus at work in your life revealing, working, moving, bring about His presence in your life through each of these areas. Listen as He reveals to you the way He has been reaching out to you and then with a heart of gratitude give thanks for He is the only true God, there is no other.First, the God of Wonders. Acts 2:19a The Passion Translation states; “I will reveal startling signs and wonders in the sky above and mighty miracles on the earth below.”  Consider the marvelous wonders He has worked in your life, or your family’s life.Second, the God of Mercy.  Numbers 14:18a NKJV reads: “The Lord is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression.”  I think we have just begun to tap into an understanding of God’s mercy toward us.  Someone once defined mercy this way – “Mercy is not getting what you deserve; rather it’s getting what you don’t deserve.” Not one of us deserve any sort of favor from God. Our sin should have completely destroyed any hope we might have had with God, but in His mercy, He made a way for us. Consider the many ways God has been merciful to you.Third, the God of Sacrifice. The familiar John 3:16 verse states; For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  It’s in the giving that we find the sacrifice. Jesus gave up everything to come to this earth and become a sacrifice. The Father gave up His Son, to be able to call His rebellious creation His once again. Consider what that sacrifice cost our God.  And then consider the amount of sacrifice you are willing to give to walk in the deep places with the Lord.One more – The God of Promise.  The scriptures are filled with promises. But my fear is we don’t always pay attention to or hold onto those promises. 2 Corinthians 1:20-23 states; “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.  Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.”  The promises of God are always yes…ALWAYS YES!!I know that we can be promise breakers.  But God can not be. What He has promised WILL come to pass.  Consider what promises He has made to you, over you and for you.  Stand in agreement with those and watch, for He will move, He will act, He will carry out the promises He has made.


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