Prayer is Vital for our Student Ministry

The last year has handed us many lessons, but one of the most important is our need to be connected in community. God designed us to be together—to encourage, learn from, serve with, and love one another. Last month my blog talked about the Pray for Me campaign, which is a way for our church community to connect while praying for our students. I want to continue on the topic of prayer and encourage everyone to pray for our student ministry.

  1. Pray for the students in our church.
    • Pray that they develop spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.  Luke 2:52 is a verse I pray over my son each day before school, “…increase in wisdom, and in stature, and in favor with God and man.”
    • Pray that they come to know God and grow in their faith.
    • Pray they boldly share Jesus with their friends.
    • Pray for godly friendships outside the church.
    • Pray that relationships within the church will continue throughout the school years, giving them a strong Christian community and accountability.
  2. Pray for parents and guardians.
    • Pray that parents would grow in their relationship with God.  If they do not yet follow Christ, pray they would recognize their need for a savior and become Christians.
    • Pray for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit as they spiritually lead their families.
    • Pray for opportunities for spiritual conversations with their children throughout the week, recognizing those “teachable moments.”
    • Pray that spiritual development be a priority, regardless of busy schedules.
  3. Pray for our teachers and volunteers.
    • Pray for the spiritual growth of our leaders as they deepen their relationship with God.
    • Pray they will see ways God is using them to make a difference in students’ lives.
    • Pray for wisdom, energy, and strength to teach each week. 
    • Pray they seek to build relationships not just with the students, but with parents as well.
  4. Pray for the children/youth director.Yes, please!  Prayer does make a significant impact on a ministry.
    • Pray that my relationship with God grow deeper so that I can be a godly role model for our students.
    • Pray for wisdom to communicate the goals and vision for our ministry to our families and leadership.
    • Pray for energy and wisdom to tackle the “tough questions” from our students and help them develop a faith based on Biblical truth.
    • Pray for my relationships with students, families, staff, and leadership.  

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash


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